The best AI Chatbots are now available for Telegram with SnatchBot
The best AI Chatbots are now available for Telegram with SnatchBot
Telegram is a hugely important messaging platform. Launched in 2013, it now has over 200 million users exchanging 30 billion messages a month. Clearly, this represents one of the biggest software constituencies for chatbots. And Telegram is continuing to grow in popularity from its base in Russia right across the planet. In part, this is because of the speed of the platform but also because of its security. In an age when concerns about the activities of government agencies in using social media data are growing, Telegram has the appeal that it was created as, ‘a means of communication that can’t be accessed by the Russian security agencies’, as founder Nikolai Durov has stated. And to highlight their confidence Telegram’s design, the company offered $200,000 to anyone who could hack it.
Working over the internet, Telegram allows for free messaging via WiFi (or mobile, depending on your package) and, naturally, it is available on all the popular devices, whether Android, Windows, iOS, macOs, etc. In that respect, it is similar to its competitors. The option of allowing the exchange of encrypted messages that even the security services cannot read, however, is a big plus. Mind you, that positive feature comes at a price. In April 2018, having demanded access to Telegram user’s messages, the Russian state communication watchdog started court proceedings when Paval Durov, brother of Nikolai, insisted that Telegram would not share user data with a third party, even the government.
For chatbot builders, it is essential to be able to reach the millions of Telegram users. Fortunately, Telegram appreciates this too and have actively encouraged chatbot creation for their platform. Their API for this purpose was made live in 2015. Since then, plenty of bots have been made for Telegram. Now we are delighted to announce that SnatchBot chatbots can operate there too.
As SnatchBot’s users will already know, we are the only truly omnichannel chatbot creation platform, one with amazing ai chatbots. Our philosophy from the start was to allow users to build bots that could seamlessly conduct conversations in a variety of channels. You can meet a SnatchBot bot on a website, switch the conversation to Messenger, Viber, LINE, etc. and now to Telegram and then switch again, as often as you like. And from the builder’s point of view, this is a dream, because you only have to build the one bot, which you can then make live on all these platforms and more in just a matter of minutes.
SnatchBot linking in with Telegram is a highly significant moment in other respects too. It means our state-of-the-art AI is available for Telegram botmakers. While there are plenty of bots already on Telegram, the vast majority are scripted with a limited range of set responses. With the arrival of SnatchBot bots on Telegram, however, builders have the option of creating really sophisticated bots with Natural Language Processing (NLP) that can learn using our AI. This is particularly good news for those who need such a feature, because our whole platform is designed so that no coding is required, even for high-end solutions like NLP. So the hours of work and depth of expertise previously required to build the best AI chatbots for Telegram have been slashed.
Other great features which you can bring to your Telegram chatbots include our range of plugins. So, for example, if you want the chatbot to be able to schedule meetings, use our Google Calendar plugin. And we are the only chatbot building platform to provide you will free text-to-voice functionality. Of course, we are biased, but we genuinely believe we are providing bot builders with the best possible platform for creating chatbots for Telegram.
Once you have built your chatbot with us, adding it to Telegram will take you less than three minutes. You just need to create a Telegram account and click /newbot in their well-designed bot managing menu. The key they give you is all you need our end to make your bot live.
It’s easy to customise the appearance and description of your bot on Telegram. Just follow the simple commands on their bot creation menu. This will allow users to find the bot in searches.
If you haven’t yet built a bot with us, but need a platform for the creation of Telegram bots, you’ve found the perfect solution. All of SnatchBot’s huge range of features and plugins are now available for this purpose. No coding is needed and, best of all, unless you need to remove our branding or get premium support (in which case look at the PRO-plan), it’s free!